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Matches of the week (23/09-28/09)


23/9 15.20 (Italian time) / 17.20 (UAE Time) -> Al Nasr – Sharjah (GABBIADINI)

23/9 14.00 -> Cremonese – Ascoli (QUARANTA)

23/9 17.00 -> WSG Tirol – Wolfsberg (DIARRA)

23/9 20.30 (American time) / 24/9 2.30 (Italian time) -> Chicago Fire – New England Revolution (VRIONI)

23/9 20.45 -> Rimini-Perugia (SANTORO, SEGHETTI)

23/9 20.45 -> Fermana – Cesena (SPEDALIERI)

24/9 15.30 (Italian time) / 24/9 16.30 (Russian time) -> Zenit – Lokomotiv Mosca (MITAJ)

24/9 16.15 -> Bari – Catanzaro (FAGGI)

24/9 16.15 -> Vicenza – Pergolettese (FELICIOLI)

24/9 20.45 -> Atalanta u23 – Pro Vercelli (MAGGIO)

26/9 19.00 -> Leoben – WSG Tirol (DIARRA) (OFB CUP)

26/9 20.30 -> Ascoli – Ternana (QUARANTA)

27/9 20.30 -> Parma – Bari (FAGGI)

28/9 15.20 (Italian time) / 17.20 (UAE Time) -> Hatta – Al Nasr (GABBIADINI)

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